Dokebi Character designs
As a kid my grandma would tell me stories of the dokebi. Korean goblin or troll like creatures that would play tricks on greedy or wicked humans. And although there are many different types for the most part they were just consider mischievous. My art is heavily inspired by those stories, although as I continue to evolve as an artist new influence shape how I craft my dokebi. The masks have been my most notable trademark. I enjoy exploring the concept of identity as well as the mystery that they create in my characters. The mask hide their true identities and expression, while still possessing a feeling of mischief.
The following 6 are my most recent illustrations.
Buy Your Identity -2019
Floating On -2019
Identity Crisis -2019
Dream -2019
Left to right: So Low, the New Basic -2019
The following 6 prints are dokebi that I illustrated between 2017-2018. Even though they are older pieces I feel that they are important in order to see the evolution of my characters.